The book bills itself as a "guide to surviving hot spots, war zones, and the new[,] hidden dangers of global travel," but falls short of that goal. It is undeniably often an enjoyable read, including some laugh-out-loud remarks thanks to the dry sarcasm and cynicism that anyone who has lived outside the U.S. for an appreciable amount of time will understand. It is not hopeless commentary, but simply reality without the political correctness garbage that one suffers through when dealing with the media and academics. Humor notwithstanding, there's not enough information specific to various situations to make the book any kind of real "guide to surviving" much of anything. All the information provided is of a very general nature. In fairness, it is probably meant to be that, but the advertising ought to be toned down if that is the case. The sections on historical reasons and political reasons a place is now dangerous were often informative and nice overviews for someone like myself who needs some wit to make a place like Africa or South America seem even remotely interesting. On the other hand, some of the facts were off, and when I see that the author says Russia is in NATO and labels a map of Russia in the Russia chapter as the "Commonwealth of Independent States," I have to wonder how much false information I read in the chapters about places I know almost nothing about. Finally, one of the things I have come to admire a great deal in true guidebooks like DK's "Eyewitness Travel" series is a lack of opining; a guide book should just let you know how things are and not tell you if it's good, bad, or worth seeing or doing. Pelton is obviously left-leaning, and that would not be a problem, except that it is brought up over and over again in the book, especially in his criticism of George Bush. It grates on the reading and has little — if any — relevance to the subject at hand. It should also be noted that some of the anecdotes included by journalists (for whom the book was written, in my opinion) include enough inappropriate language to garner the book an R-rating were it to be made into a movie. The book is interesting reading as an overview to some crazy places that aren't on most people's radars, has some biting but often true commentary that will keep people interested, but has enough flaws to make me wonder how it became the phenomenon that it is.
This work, including all text, photographs, and other original work, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives 3.0 License and is copyrighted © MMXI John Pruess. |
"I see that the author says Russia is NATO and labels a map of Russia in the Russia chapter as the "Commonwealth of Independent States," I have to wonder how much false information I read in the chapters about places I know almost nothing about."
Well according to the University of Texas:
Sorry, but that map is actually showing the CIS, not just Russia. All the countries that are colored in were members of the CIS at the time that map was made. I'd recommend looking up "CIS" in a good encyclopedia to get a little bit of an idea of what is meant by that term and what countries are involved in that organization at present.
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